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Ever since my childhood, I have always enjoyed learning about the origins of mankind and how evolution has influenced the aspects of  consciousness throughout this world. With a great curiosity a hunger for wisdom that helped me to better understand the human psyche, I began to investigate the deeper needs  behind the  ever-so craving aspects of society. .


My love for different cultures and my desire to discover how people celebrate life in different ways and through different rituals led me to many journeys around the planet.  In about 15 years of travelling the planet I have lived in 5 different countries and visited more than 40.

Spending more and more time abroad,  I slowly began to  develop a stronger sense for different forms of healing through the natural wisdom of many of the world's various indigenous communities.

Learning from remote tribes and healers truly enabled me to  break loose from my cultural bonds, discovering  the connections between the body, the heart and the mind. It eventually became the most exciting thing for me to continuously explore a much deeper and more intense connection to a field of harmonious unity  by learning more and more about the power of ritual, music and healing in very remote areas, away from  modern  society infrastructures.


The most remarkable inpirations I had on my journey have been shaped by indigenous communities in the Putomayo region of Columbia and  memorable stays with amazonian tribes in Peru. 

Eventually I can say today though, that the Vedic wisdom has shaped the most profound aspects on my journey of self discovery. Throughout my visits to India and Nepal I have gained profound experiences in silencing the mind by spending time with ascetics in the depths of the Himalaya.  Many years later I was inspired trough a very special encounter to follow the teachings of "Kashmiri Shaivism" based non-Dualistic tantra yoga by doing several courses in retreat centers in India, Thailand and Denmark. 


With "Joyful Nature" I want to offer elements I came in touch with throughout my journeys to inspire people to experience the potential that lies in unity and celebrating oneness together by understanding the potential of our own natural powers and those found in the beauty of all aspects of nature around us.


I would like to thank anyone who has ever been supporting me on my way  to find a way to deeper understanding of how we can co create in respect and love together . I feel more than  ever that it is my responsibility in this life to give these insights  back to people and nature through the field of love that I feel for life.​



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